You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
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@mixin icon-shape-variant($color) {
color: saturate(darken($color, 10%), 10);
background-color: transparentize(lighten($color, 10%), .5);
@mixin icon-font($content, $font-size) {
content: $content;
font-family: $icon-font-family;
font-size: $font-size;
// Icon action
$icon-size: 3rem !default;
$icon-size-xl: 5rem !default;
$icon-size-lg: 4rem !default;
$icon-size-sm: 2rem !default;
$icon-size-xs: 1.25rem !default;
.icon-actions {
> a {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: .75rem;
color: $gray-600;
font-size: .875rem;
&:last-of-type {
margin-right: 0;
span {
margin-left: .1875rem;
font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
color: $text-muted;
&:hover {
span {
color: darken($text-muted, 10%);
> a,
> a:hover,
> {
color: $gray-800;
> .favorite:hover,
> {
color: $favorite-color;
> .love:hover,
> {
color: $love-color;
> .like:hover,
> {
color: $like-color;
.icon-actions-lg {
a {
font-size: 1.25rem;
margin-right: .875rem;
// Icon shape
.icon-shape {
padding: 12px;
text-align: center;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
border-radius: 50%;
i, svg {
font-size: 1.25rem;
&.icon-lg {
i, svg {
font-size: 1.625rem;
&.icon-sm {
i, svg {
font-size: .875rem;
&.icon-xs {
i, svg {
font-size: .6rem;
svg {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
.icon-shape-#{$color} {
@include icon-shape-variant(theme-color($color));
// Icon
.icon {
width: $icon-size;
height: $icon-size;
i, svg {
font-size: $icon-size - .75;
+ .icon-text {
padding-left: 1rem;
width: calc(100% - #{$icon-size} - 1);
// Extra large icons
.icon-xl {
width: $icon-size-xl;
height: $icon-size-xl;
i, svg {
font-size: $icon-size-xl - .75;
+ .icon-text {
width: calc(100% - #{$icon-size-xl} - 1);
// Large icons
.icon-lg {
width: $icon-size-lg;
height: $icon-size-lg;
i, svg {
font-size: $icon-size-lg - .75;
+ .icon-text {
width: calc(100% - #{$icon-size-lg} - 1);
// Small icon
.icon-sm {
width: $icon-size-sm;
height: $icon-size-sm;
i, svg {
font-size: $icon-size-sm - .75;
+ .icon-text {
width: calc(100% - #{$icon-size-sm} - 1);
// Extra Small icon
.icon-xs {
width: $icon-size-xs;
height: $icon-size-xs;
i, svg {
font-size: $icon-size-xs - .75;
+ .icon-text {
width: calc(100% - #{$icon-size-xs} - 1);