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import 'dart:math';
void basic_operators() {
print("\nDart Operators:");
// Type test operators
double n = 1.1;
print((n as num).toString());
print(n is! int);
print(n is double);
var a = Account(username: 'Bobson');
var b = Account();
b?.username = "I'm Groot";
var list = List()
..insert(0, 123)
..addAll([789, 111]);
class Account {
String username;
String password;
Account({username, password})
: this.username = username,
// this.password = (password != null) ? password : 'AutomaticallyGenerateSecretPassword';
this.password = password ?? 'AutomaticallyGenerateSecretPassword';
String toString() {
return "Account($username, $password)";
void basic_classes() {
print("\nDart Classes:");
// Point Class from dart:math
var p1 = Point(1, 2);
var p2 = Point(3, 4);
print("p1: $p1, p2: $p2");
// Complex Number (複數) - x + yi (i = √-1)
// 0 + 0i
var c1 = BaseComplex();
c1.real = 5;
c1.imaginary = 2;
var c2 = BaseComplex()
..real = 5
..imaginary = 2;
print("c1: $c1, c2: $c2");
print(c1 == c2);
// With Constructor
var c = Complex(5, 2);
var r = Complex.real(10);
var i = Complex.imaginary(-5);
print("c: $c, r: $r, i: $i");
class BaseComplex {
num real;
num imaginary;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! BaseComplex) {
return false;
} else {
return real == other.real && imaginary == other.imaginary;
// @override
// String toString() {
// if (imaginary >= 0) {
// return "$real + ${imaginary}i";
// } else {
// return "$real - ${imaginary.abs()}i";
// }
// }
// @override
// String toString() => "${this.runtimeType}($real, $imaginary)";
class Complex {
// Private property(member)
num _real;
num _imaginary;
// Getters & Setters
get real => _real;
set real(num newReal) => _real = newReal;
get imaginary => _imaginary;
set imaginary(num newImaginary) => _imaginary = newImaginary;
// Traditional way
// Complex(num real, num imaginary) {
// this.real = real;
// this.imaginary = imaginary;
// }
// Syntactic sugar
Complex(this._real, this._imaginary);
// Named Constructor
// Complex.real(num real) {
// this.real = real;
// this.imaginary = 0;
// }
Complex.real(num real) : this(real, 0);
Complex.imaginary(num imaginary) : this(0, imaginary);
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! Complex) {
return false;
} else {
return real == other.real && imaginary == other.imaginary;
String toString() {
if (imaginary >= 0) {
return "$real + ${imaginary}i";
} else {
return "$real - ${imaginary.abs()}i";