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void basic_classes() {
var n1 = Complex(3, -4);
var n2 = Complex(5, 2);
print(n1 + n2);
print(Complex.substract(n1, n2));
class Complex {
// Private property(member)
num _real;
num _imaginary;
// Getters & Setters
get real => _real;
set real(num newReal) => _real = newReal;
get imaginary => _imaginary;
set imaginary(num newImaginary) => _imaginary = newImaginary;
// Constructors
Complex(this._real, this._imaginary);
Complex.real(num real) : this(real, 0);
Complex.imaginary(num imaginary) : this(0, imaginary);
Complex operator +(Complex c) {
return Complex(this.real + c.real, this.imaginary + c.imaginary);
Complex operator *(Complex c) {
return Complex(
(this.real * c.real) - (this.imaginary * c.imaginary),
(this.real * c.imaginary) + (this.imaginary * c.real),
Complex multiply(Complex c) {
return Complex(
(this.real * c.real) - (this.imaginary * c.imaginary),
(this.real * c.imaginary) + (this.imaginary * c.real),
static Complex substract(Complex c1, Complex c2) {
return Complex(
c1.real - c2.real,
c1.imaginary - c2.imaginary,
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! Complex) {
return false;
} else {
return real == other.real && imaginary == other.imaginary;
String toString() {
if (imaginary >= 0) {
return "$real + ${imaginary}i";
} else {
return "$real - ${imaginary.abs()}i";